FAI - #WeAreOne

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Fifty-Three Six work as a full-service marketing partner to the Football Association of Ireland. We work closely with the FAI to take campaigns from concept to creation and to convert fans into customers.



Fifty-Three Six were tasked with building an integrated campaign that was brought to life through an omni-channel marketing approach utilising best practice social, display, search, OOH advertising and also had a clear through line to traditional marketing outputs.

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Strategy & Execution

#WeAreOne is more than just a hashtag. The campaign was born out of the insight that Irish football holds a power to unite the people of Ireland like nothing else. Fifty-Three Six and the Football Association of Ireland conceived a digital first campaign to align with the values of contemporary Ireland - diversity, tolerance and togetherness while acting as a rallying call to get behind Irish football at all levels.

#WeAreOne first launched in March 2021, with a multi-touch campaign that utilised digital video, supporting creative graphics, OOH advertising, an influencer campaign and in stadium activations.

The campaign has grown in scale and scope in recent months as we activated around the World Cup Qualifiers against Portugal, Azerbaijan and Serbia. The latest iteration of #WeAreOne - Power of Fans, drew on the emotion of fans coming back to Aviva stadium for the first time in 18 months. The digital first campaign which ran across five social networks Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok included both brand and ticketing campaigns. We launched in tandem with organic support from players and other key figures in Irish Football. In stadium activations included bespoke LED banners, programme graphics and #WeAreOne videos playing across 300 TV's and big screens before, during and after games.


#WeAreOne is an ongoing campaign that will continue into 2022 and beyond with further activations planned including mixed reality experiences, custom web platforms and data collection campaigns. Results to this point include over 6.3 million ad impressions, 1m high quality video views and a ticketing campaign which drove over 10X ROAS for the FAI.

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To see more of our latest work check out our Instagram @fiftythreesix